职 称:副教授,硕士生导师
邮 箱:zhayuan87@whu.edu.cn; zhayuan87@gmail.com
2008年09月~2014年12月 武汉大学 水利水电工程 工学博士
2012年08月~2014年10月 亚利桑那大学 水文与水资源系 联合培养
2004年09月~2008年06月 武汉大学 农业水利工程 工学学士
2015年01月~2015年12月 亚利桑那大学 博士后
2016年01月~2020年02月 武汉大学 副研究员
2020年03月~至今 武汉大学 副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,土壤水跨尺度建模:以华北平原为例(2023/01-2026/12,主持)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,三维非均质农田水力层析扫描研究与应用(2018/01-2021/12,主持)
3. 国家外国专家项目,长江流域含水层水力层析及地表水-地下水交互关系研究(2023/01-2024/12,主持)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于数值价值分析的根区土壤水分预测研究(2017/01-2019/12,主持)
5. 国家重点研发子课题,温度与污染物热质耦合三维场地模型开发及数值模拟研究(2020/01-2023/12,主持)
6. 国家重点研发子课题,灌区耦合系统协同演变与节水控盐减污的响应模拟(2021/11-2025/10,主持)
7. 广西重点研发项目,大空间尺度下南方灌区农业需水动态识别与智慧配水技术研究(2023/06-2026/05,主持)
8. 横向,临湘市黄盖湖卫星遥感监测项目(2022/06-2023/12,主持)
9. 横向,数值模拟性能测试***(2022/06-2022/12,主持)
2020至今 《Geofluids》副主编
2021至今 《节水灌溉》副主编
《Remote Sensing》《Frontier in Plant Science》等客座编辑
Journal of Hydrology杰出审稿人(2017)
以第一/通讯作者在《Water Resources Research》《Hydrology and Earth Systems Science》《Journal of Hydrology》《Agricultural Water Management》《Advances in Water Resources》《European Journal of Agronomy》《Precision Agriculture》等国内外知名期刊发表论文近100篇,部分代表性成果如下:
1. Zhu, J.; Zha, Y.; Yeh, T.-C. J.; Illman, W. A. Comparing Sensitivities of Groundwater Head to Variations in Hydraulic Parameters under Boundary Conditions of River Stage Rise and Tidal Variation. Journal of Hydrology 2024, 636, 131262. (一区TOP)
2. Zhu, J.; Zha, Y.; Illman, W.; Xu, D. Inverse Modeling of Frequency Domain-Based One-Dimensional Soil Water Flow in Layered Soils. Journal of Hydrology 2024, 131296. (一区TOP)
3. Li, P.; Zha, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Tso, M.; Attinger, S.; Samaniego, L.; Peng, J. Deep Learning Integrating Scale Conversion and Pedo-Transfer Function to Avoid Potential Errors in Cross-Scale Transfer. Water Resources Research 2024, 60, e2023WR035543. (一区TOP)
4. Fang, W.; Zhou, L.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Zhong, H.; Zha, Y. Heat and Mass Transfer Based on the Low-Temperature Thermal Treatment of Hydrocarbons-Impacted Soil: A Numerical Simulation and Sandbox Validation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 133999. (一区TOP)
5. Nadeem, A. A.; Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Zafar, Z.; Ali, S.; Zhang, Y.; Altaf, A. R.; Afzal, M.; Zubair, M. SAFER-ET Based Assessment of Irrigation Patterns and Impacts on Groundwater Use in the Central Punjab, Pakistan. Agricultural Water Management 2023, 289, 108545. (一区TOP)
6. Li, P.; Zha, Y.; Zuo, B.; Zhang, Y. A Family of Soil Water Retention Models Based on Sigmoid Functions. Water Resources Research 2023, 59,e2022WR033160. (一区TOP)
7. Guo, S.; Zha, Y.; Zhong, H.; Wang, X.; Xu, D. Numerical Investigations of Influence on Thermal Conductive Heating in DNAPL-Impacted Soils by Heterogeneity. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2023, 104232.
8. Zhang, Y.; Zha, Y.; Jin, X.; Wang, Y.; Qiao, H. Changes in Vertical Phenotypic Traits of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Response to Water Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022, 13, 942110. (二区TOP)
9. Yu, D.; Zha, Y.; Sun, Z.; Li, J.; Jin, X.; Zhu, W.; Bian, J.; Ma, L.; Zeng, Y.; Su, Z. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating Maize Above-Ground Biomass Using Multi-Source UAV Images: A Comparison with Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms. Precision Agriculture 2022. (二区TOP)
10. Yu, D.; Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Ye, H.; Zhang, Y. Improving Sugarcane Growth Simulations by Integrating Multi-Source Observations into a Crop Model. European Journal of Agronomy 2022, 132, 126410. (一区TOP)
11. Zhu, L.; Shen, T.; Ma, R.; Fan, D.; Zhang, Y.; Zha, Y. Development of Cracks in Soil: An Improved Physical Model. Geoderma 2020, 366 (1), 114258. (一区TOP)
12. Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Liang, Y.; Tso, C. H. M.; Zeng, W.; Zhang, Y. Analytical Sensitivity Map of Head Observations on Heterogeneous Hydraulic Parameters via the Sensitivity Equation Method. Journal of Hydrology 2020, 591, 125282. (一区TOP)
13. Yu, D.; Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Jin, X.; Hu, S.; Yang, Q. Improvement of Sugarcane Yield Estimation by Assimilating UAV-Derived Plant Height Observations. European Journal of Agronomy 2020, 121, 126159. (一区TOP)
14. Li, P.; Zha, Y.; Tso, C. M.; Shi, L.; Yu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Zeng, W. Data Assimilation of Uncalibrated Soil Moisture Measurements from Frequency-Domain Reflectometry. Geoderma 2020, 374, 114432. (一区TOP)
15. Li, P.; Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Tso, C. H. M.; Zhang, Y.; Zeng, W. Comparison of the Use of a Physical-Based Model with Data Assimilation and Machine Learning Methods for Simulating Soil Water Dynamics. Journal of Hydrology 2020, 584, 124692. (一区TOP)
16. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T. J.; Illman, W. A.; Mok, C.-M.; Tso, C. M.; Carrera, B. A.; Wang, Y. Exploitation of Pump-and-Treat Remediation Systems for Characterization of Hydraulic Heterogeneity. Journal of Hydrology 2019, 573, 324–340. (一区TOP)
17. Zha, Y.; Yang, J.; Zeng, J.; Tso, C.-H. M.; Zeng, W.; Shi, L. Review of Numerical Solution of Richardson-Richards Equation for Variably Saturated Flow in Soils. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2019, e1364. (一区TOP)
18. Zeng, J.; Yang, J.; Zha, Y.; Shi, L. Capturing Soil-Water and Groundwater Interactions with an Iterative Feedback Coupling Scheme: New HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2019, 23, 637–655. (一区TOP)
19. Yu, D.; Yang, J.; Shi, L.; Zhang, Q.; Huang, K.; Fang, Y.; Zha, Y. On the Uncertainty of Initial Condition and Initialization Approaches in Variably Saturated Flow Modeling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2019, 23, 2897–2914. (一区TOP)
20. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T.-C. J.; Illman, W. A.; Zeng, W.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, F.; Shi, L. A Reduced-Order Successive Linear Estimator for Geostatistical Inversion and Its Application in Hydraulic Tomography. Water Resources Research 2018, 54 (3), 1616–1632. (一区TOP)
21. Zeng, J.; Zha, Y.; Yang, J. Switching the Richards’ Equation for Modeling Soil Water Movement under Unfavorable Conditions. Journal of Hydrology 2018, 563, 942–949. (一区TOP)
22. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T. J.; Shi, L.; Huang, S.; Wang, W.; Wen, J. Quasi-Steady State Conditions in Heterogeneous Aquifers during Pumping Tests. Advances in Water Resources 2017, 0, 1–16.
23. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T. J.; Illman, W. A.; Onoe, H.; W, C. M.; Wen, J.; Huang, S.; Wang, W. Incorporating Geologic Information into Hydraulic Tomography : A General Framework Based on Geostatistical Approach. Water Resources Research 2017, 53, 2850–2876. (一区TOP)
24. Zha, Y.; Yang, J.; Yin, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zeng, W.; Shi, L. A Modified Picard Iteration Scheme for Overcoming Numerical Difficulties of Simulating Infiltration into Dry Soil. Journal of Hydrology 2017, 551, 56–69. (一区TOP)
25. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T.-C. J.; Illman, W. A.; Tanaka, T.; Bruines, P.; Onoe, H.; Saegusa, H. What Does Hydraulic Tomography Tell Us about Fractured Geological Media? A Field Study and Synthetic Experiments. Journal of Hydrology 2015, 531 (1), 17–30. (一区TOP)
26. Zha, Y.; Yeh, T.-C. J.; Mao, D.; Yang, J.; Lu, W. Usefulness of Flux Measurements during Hydraulic Tomographic Survey for Mapping Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution in a Fractured Medium. Advances in Water Resources 2014, 71, 162–176.
27. Zha, Y.; Shi, L.; Ye, M.; Yang, J. A Generalized Ross Method for Two- and Three-Dimensional Variably Saturated Flow. Advances in Water Resources 2013, 54 (4), 67–77.
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