首页 > 师资队伍 > 水力发电工程系 > 副教授 > 正文

王 桥







2005.09-2009.07 华中科技大学 道路桥梁与渡河工程,本科

2009.09-2010.07 华中科技大学 岩土工程,硕士

2010.09-2013.12 华中科技大学 结构工程,博士


2014.02-2015.04 新加坡国立大学,博士后

2015.03-2016.09 武汉大学 水利水电学院,副研究员

2018.01-2019.01 英国斯旺西大学 访问学者

2016.10- 今 武汉大学 水利水电学院,副教授




【1】 国家重点研发计划课题,中小流域堤坝群数字孪生平台高效构建和“四预”快速响应关键技术(2023.1~2024.12,子课题负责人)

【2】 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于多尺度相场断裂模型的水工混凝土材料破坏机理研究(2020.1~2023.12,主持)

【3】 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于相场-边界元法模型的高混凝土坝水力劈裂演化过程研究(2017.1~2019.12,主持)

【4】 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,计算颗粒力学新技术及其在堆石坝结构长期变形分析中的应用(2020.7~2022.6,参与)

【5】 国家重点研发计划课题:复杂条件下特高土石坝变形破坏机制与计算理论(2017.7~2020.12,参与)

【6】 国家重点研发计划课题:复杂运行环境下高坝结构性态响应与控制(2016.7~2020.06,参与)


2018至今 中国水利学会水工结构专业委员会 会员

2018至今 中国大坝工程学会数值模拟专业委员会 会员

2021至今 中国大坝工程学会大坝混凝土与岩石断裂力学专业委员会 委员

2022至今 水利电力技术与应用 编委








【1】 Peng Z, Wang Q*, Zhou W, Chang X, Yue Q, Huang C. Meso-scale simulation of thermal fracture in concrete based on the coupled thermal–mechanical phase-field model. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 403: 133095.

【2】 Yue Q, Wang Q*, Tian W, Rabczuk T, Zhou W, Ma G, Zhuang X, Chang X, A phase-field lattice model (PFLM) for fracture problem: theory and application in composite materials. Composite Structures, 2023, 323: 117432.

【3】 Huang C, Wang Q*, Zhao C, Zhou W, Chang X, Liu X, Tian W, Zhang S. Nanoscale Insight into the Effect of Calcium on Early-Age Polymerization of CNASH Gels. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2023, 127: 4338–4350.

【4】 Yue Q, Wang Q*, Zhou W, Rabczuk T, Zhuang X, Liu B, Chang X. An efficient adaptive length scale insensitive phase-field model for three-dimensional fracture of solids using trilinear multi-node elements. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 253: 108351.

【5】 Wang Q, Yue Q, Zhou W*, Feng Y.T., Chang X*. Modeling of both tensional-shear and compressive-shear fractures by a unified phase-field model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 117: 162-196.

【6】 Zhang S, Wang Q*, Zhou W, Lu Y, Liu X, Chang X. A fast-setting and eco-friendly superhydrophobic high belite sulphoaluminate cement mortar. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 23: 2690-2702.

【7】 Wang Q, Yue Q, Huang C, Zhou W*, Chang X. An adaptive local algorithm for solving the phase-field evolution equation in the phase-field model for fracture. Computational Materials Science, 2022, 214: 111747.

【8】 Yue Q, Zhou W, Wang Q*, Feng Y.T., Ma G, Chang XL. An adaptive phase-field model based on bilinear elements for tensile-compressive-shear fracture. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2022, 105: 112–135.

【9】 Zhang SF, Ji X, Zhou W, Liu XH, Wang Q*, Chang XL*, Tang JB, Huang CB, Lu YS. High-flexural-strength of geopolymer composites with self-assembled nanofiber networks. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(22): 31389-31398.

【10】 Liu B, Wang Q*, Zhou W*, Chang XL. NURBS-enhanced line integration BEM for thermo-elastic problems considering the gravity load. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 126: 118-127.

【11】 Liu B, Zhou W, Wang Q*, Chang XL. An AOIMLS enhanced LIBEM and for solving 3D thermo-elastic problems and non-homogeneous heat conduction problems with heat generation. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021,163: 106864.

【12】 Liu B, Zhou W, Wang Q*. The novel boundary integral equation with adaptive orthogonal IMLS based line integration method for cracked domains under thermal stress. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 239: 107325.

【13】 Wang Q, Feng Y.T., Zhou W, Cheng YG, Ma G. A phase-field model for mixed-mode fracture based on a unified tensile fracture criterion. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 370: 113270.

【14】 Wang Q, Zhou W. Feng Y.T. The phase-field model with an auto-calibrated degradation function based on general softening laws for cohesive fracture. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 86: 185-206.

【15】 Wang Q, Zhou W, Feng YT, Ma G, Cheng YG, Chang XL. An adaptive orthogonal improved interpolating moving least-square method and a new boundary element-free method. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 353: 347-370.


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